On Monday, July 25, 2016, Join Us for Town of Lexington Mayor Steve MacDougall

SteveMacDougall2014Mayor Steve MacDougall was elected to Town Council in 2011 and became Mayor in 2013. He was raised in Lexington and has a background is hospitality, business management and public safety.

During his tenure as Councilman, Steve served as the liaison for the Accommodations Tax Advisory Committee and Advisory Committee, who was instrumental in the implementation of Lexington Paw Park. As Mayor, he serves on the Central Midlands Council of Governments Executive Committee; Planning and Development Advisory Committee and the Transportation Subcommittee. Mayor MacDougall is also a member of the Lexington County Joint Municipal Water and Sewer Commission and was recently elected President of the Saxe Gotha-Lexington Public Facilities Corporation.

He is a graduate of Lexington High School and USC and previously owned his own restaurant and was a licensed South Carolina Law Enforcement Officer with the State Senate Sergeant at Arm’s Office. Steve is a dedicated father to three wonderful daughters and husband to Jamie, an ER Nurse at Lexington Medical Center.

Our Meeting from Monday, July 25, 2016 is Now Available Online

If you missed the meeting, you can make it up online.  Remember to email Debbie (columbiarotaryclub@gmail.com) so she can adjust your attendance.