Please join us Monday Jan 7th 2019

For our meeting Monday January 7th 2019 we welcome Brian Maynor, Columbia’s own’ lifestyle coach here to make you look and feel great! 


Brian Maynor

“How we look on the outside is a direct reflection of how we feel on the inside, making it impossible to work with one and not the other.”
Brian Maynor

Over the past decade, Brian Maynor has built a reputation as one of the leading image consultants and style coaches through his signature program, Find Flatter & Flaunt, which helps transform your image; boost confidence and empower you to look and feel your best.

Image and the power of how we present ourselves has always been a part of Brian’s life, though it took him awhile to see it. His first job in high school was at a clothing store; he earned a degree in Journalism with a concentration in Broadcasting and went on to work as an attorney.

It was that last role where all of the pieces finally came together. As an attorney, Brian managed a federal grant to assist victims of domestic violence both legally and through partnerships with shelters and coalitions. Through working with those survivors he rediscovered the power how we look has on how we feel.

Once the grant ended, he had a reignited purpose for helping everyone live the life they’ve always wanted to live instead of feeling resigned to the life they had now, which launched his career as an image consultant.

However, it wasn’t long before Brian discovered his clients were searching not just for advice on how to look better, but also for guidance on how to improve the overall quality of their lives. This theme of empowerment has been at the center of his work ever since.